Grow with ReCo #2: Understanding human needs


This week’s Grow with ReCo mini masterclass dives deep into the fundamental key to success for any business: meeting human needs.

The iPhone transformed the way we communicate. It took a simple calling device to become a computer in our pockets - a necessity in modern lives. Today, the iPhone is still at the forefront of technology, and a desirable device for many. 

But what makes the iPhone so powerful? 

Image: Apple

Maslow's Hierarchy: A framework for understanding your customers

Maslow's Hierarchy categorises human needs in a pyramid structure. The foundation is the basic needs, and on top are more complex needs. We can use the framework to understand your customers.  

What makes the iPhone powerful is that it checks off every level of the pyramid, meeting their customers’ needs: 

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  1. Physiological: This level focuses on survival needs like food, water, and shelter. In Apple's case, the iPhone, as a phone, meets the basic need for communication between people.

  2. Safety: People seek security and protection from threats. This can include financial stability, physical safety and well-being. Security features like Face ID and Touch ID contribute to the iPhone's reputation for reliability and create a sense of safety for users.

  3. Love and belonging: Humans crave connection and a sense of community. You know the feeling of being an 'Apple' person or an 'Android' person? Well, that's the blue messaging that lights up every time another Apple person messages you, you know they're a kindred spirit.

  4. Self esteem: People desire recognition, respect and a sense of accomplishment.

    The iPhone capitalises on the psychological concept of 'symbolic self-completion', where people define themselves, partially, by things they have and display. Apple makes the iPhones feel special, with a higher price tag, sleek design and ongoing marketing that shouts creativity and exclusivity.

  5. Self actualisation: ​​This highest level focuses on personal growth and fulfilment. 

The iPhone is only a tool, but Apple inspires users to explore new ideas. It showcases what can be achieved with the iPhone camera from creators all over the world. It helps users achieve their own creative journey and express themselves authentically - that's the brand's superpower. 

Does my small business need to meet all human needs? 🤔

No, not all needs in Maslow's Hierarchy necessarily need to be fully met by a single business.  

However, by identifying your customers' needs across these different levels, you can reach the full potential of your marketing efforts, including:  

  • Target the right audience: Knowing which need levels your business primarily addresses helps you target the right audience.

  • Be more competitive: If your business can meet multiple needs, it creates a competitive advantage.

  • Build brand loyalty: Mastering the full range of human needs, businesses can create a more holistic customer experience and recurring customer base.   

How to apply Maslow's Hierarchy framework? 🤓

Apply the framework 

  1. Physiological: Focus on the core function your product or service provides. This need is non-negotiable. So ask, how does my business serve my customers’ basic needs?

  2. Safety: The first step in fostering connection with people is to make them feel safe. Create an environment that your customers feel they can trust you, and they have peace of mind using your products and service.

  3. Love & belonging: This could be simply how you genuinely care about your customers in their customer experience. Online community, loyalty programs and events are great ways to foster a sense of community around your brand value.

  4. Self esteem: How does my business make my customers feel seen, heard or known? For example, reward your customers, or create opportunities for them to share their achievements related to your brand.

  5. Self actualisation: Inspiration comes from stories that connect with your customers on a deeper level. It can be your own story, your customers’ stories, your vision and beliefs. Tell those stories genuinely, amplify your values, inspire your customers in their own growth journey.   

Put yourself in your customers’ position. Talk to your customers. Make a list. Write down how your business can meet their needs. 

This reinforces the foundation for all your marketing activities. We’ll use your list and dive into crafting powerful messages that grow your business later. 

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Grow forward,

Danling & the ReCo team

Grow with ReCo

This article is part of our Grow with ReCo Digital Marketing initiative to empower small business owners and creators.

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Natasha Ritz


Danling Xiao


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